
Welcome to our home, my mother will treat you as a son or daughter, and make sure you are safe and comfortable in one of the largest cities in the world. For the duration of your residency, you are an inhabitant of the room where I grew up, filled with memories, photographs and childhood books, and objects. Feel free to explore, and bring a book that has been seminal to your life, which you can donate  to the collective residency library.

The residency is located at the outskirts of Coyocan 50 meters away from a subway station, a few blocks from Los Viveros ( one of Mexico City´s largest parks)  and  a 12 min walk to Frida´s infamous blue house.  Food will be provided and cooked by Andrea, the woman who took care of me while my mother was working while I was growing up, who is a second mother to me. You can also accompany my mother and Andrea to buy food at the largest food market in Latin America, or walk my dog around. You are not just a resident, you are part of the family.

 My mother will take or direct you to the places that you are interested in visiting and facilitate contact with people you want to connect with to for your project. The accomodations are free and we ask for a contribution towards food, depending on the weeks supply adjusting to your dietary restrictions. My mother will pick you up from the airport (if  arriving from outside of Mexico City) and can also provide motherly advice, in matters concerning the heart, finance, life and art critiques. She was a financial officer, accountant and public administrator for over 30 years before retiring so she can be very helpful when dealing with  administrative issues. If you already have a project in Mexico City that you are working on through another institution, gallery or community my mother can help you sort things out and also she has offered to give Spanish lessons if you are  interested in learning. Enjoy your stay and creative time, in a nurturing home environment, with the most loving mother you could ever had wish for, a true cinephile and supporter of the arts.

Emilio Rojas